Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Hey y'all... check out what i just received in my inbox:

Dear Jesse,

Congratulations! I just received word from the Universitywide Office for EAP (UOEAP) that you have been selected for placement at University of Edinburgh, Scotland for the 2007-08 academic year. In a few weeks, you will be receiving a large packet from UOEAP containing specific information about your program in the UK, as well as forms that will need to be completed and returned to various offices. In addition, you may begin receiving material directly from University of Edinburgh. Please read all information carefully, as there may be dates and deadlines that you will need to meet regarding housing, course enrollment, etc. and you will need to include additional time for international delivery.

Best of luck, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Zak Frieders

As you might imagine, I am pretty freakin' excited! I can't wait to get over to Scotland. Please send your thoughts on things I shoud do in preparation for my trip and / or things I shouldn't miss while abroad.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

EAP Orientation

Well, today was the first of two mandatory EAP orientation meetings. It all went well-- though I was scared for potheads going to Uganda where they execute people for holding a dime bag. I am so excited to be off to a new place with so many new things to come! The orientation brought my attention to the differences I might be facing when I am abroad-- especially about unsubstantiated anti-US prejudices. This bothers me, but I will be able to cope with it.
I want to thank my mom and dad for the gift card to Borders for guide books. THANKS GUYS!