Wednesday, April 11, 2007

EAP Orientation

Well, today was the first of two mandatory EAP orientation meetings. It all went well-- though I was scared for potheads going to Uganda where they execute people for holding a dime bag. I am so excited to be off to a new place with so many new things to come! The orientation brought my attention to the differences I might be facing when I am abroad-- especially about unsubstantiated anti-US prejudices. This bothers me, but I will be able to cope with it.
I want to thank my mom and dad for the gift card to Borders for guide books. THANKS GUYS!

1 comment:

AMiB said...

there is definitely an anti-US sentiment no matter where you go...just try not to fall into many of the stereotypes they have of us (loud, arrogant, etc etc), try not to talk politics (i know, will be hard for you) or make outlandish statements, and you should do fine.